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Tuesday's Tip #73: Security Tips for Remote Workers

cyber security security Jun 15, 2021

Is Security Different when you're Working Remotely?

If you're like many people you have either transitioned to working remotely at least part of the time. Whether you're at home, on a beach, or logging in from the cabin, there are some different things to be aware when working remotely. 

Using Public Wi-Fi

If you are logging in on a public Wi-Fi, you should be careful not to transmit private data. This would include things like credit card numbers, social security numbers and other similar data that could be used to steal your identity or money.

A public Wi-Fi network is inherently less secure than your personal, private one, because you don't know who set it up, or who else is connecting to it. Ideally, you wouldn't ever have to use it; better to use your smartphone as a hotspot instead. 

Scanning for Wi-Fi and AirDrop

Often times your phones, tablets and laptops can be set to automatically scan for and connect to public Wi-Fi.  This can be turned off. When...

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Tuesday's Tip #72: Password Do's and Dont's and Password Managers


If you're like me - passwords are your nemesis. I have no less than 500 passwords. I mean seriously, I have a password to view my kids grades, a password to logon to my bank account, a password to unlock my phone, a password to watch Netflix, even a password for the app that controls my oven. Just thinking about it makes my head SPIN!! It literally never ends. And probably almost daily I'm adding something else to the list. Right? Without some type of system to keep track of your passwords, whether it's password manager, an excel spreadsheet or a notebook, there is no way to keep track of all your passwords much less keep them safe, secure and up to date.  

I've put together some password do's and don'ts. I have no doubt that some of these you have heard but I think some of them might be new to you. Like all good advice, sometimes we need to hear it again. (I'm speaking to myself too - some of these I'm in violation of too).


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Tuesday's Tip #71: Phishing - 4 Ways to Prevent Being Caught

security Jun 01, 2021

Phishing!! 4 Ways to Prevent Being Caught

What is Phishing?

At this point you probably know what phishing is - but to clarify - it's when a fraudulent email is sent with the intent of tricking the recipient (spoofed) to provide personal or financial information. This information can be used in a variety of ways, hacking and stealing from a bank account, identity theft or ransomware, among other things.


A Few Status About Phishing?

If you're wondering why it's important for you and/or your company to learn about phishing. Some interesting statistics from CSO Online.

  • 94 percent of malware is delivered by email.
  • Phishing attacks account for more than 80% of reported security incidents.
  • Data breaches cost enterprises an average of $3.92 million.

4 Ways to Prevent Phishing Attacks

Although this is not an exhaustive list - these are the top ways to prevent phishing attacks.

  1. Don't Trust the Display Name.
    The display name on an email is one of the easiest ways phishing...
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