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Tuesday's Tip #74: Send Encrypted Emails with Outlook (SO EASY!)

cyber security outlook Jun 22, 2021

Sending an Encrypted Email in Outlook

Did you know you can send an encrypted email in Outlook with just one click or automatically by using a key word in your subject line?  This is so easy you'll be amazed you didn't know this. Ideally, of course you don't send private information in an email - but sometimes it's necessary.

When to Send an Encrypted Email?

Although it depends on your company and your position but odds are most of your messages don't contain information that requires you to encrypt your emails.

  • PII (Personally Identifiable Information).
    This includes Social Security Number, full mailing address, spouse and family information, bank or credit card numbers, detailed work information, tax returns etc.
  • Secure Business Data.
    Any information considered proprietary by your business that could be used or valuable to competitors.
  • Logins and Passwords.
    If possible - don't send passwords and login information but sometimes it may be necessary, if so this should always be...
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Tuesday's Tip #73: Security Tips for Remote Workers

cyber security security Jun 15, 2021

Is Security Different when you're Working Remotely?

If you're like many people you have either transitioned to working remotely at least part of the time. Whether you're at home, on a beach, or logging in from the cabin, there are some different things to be aware when working remotely. 

Using Public Wi-Fi

If you are logging in on a public Wi-Fi, you should be careful not to transmit private data. This would include things like credit card numbers, social security numbers and other similar data that could be used to steal your identity or money.

A public Wi-Fi network is inherently less secure than your personal, private one, because you don't know who set it up, or who else is connecting to it. Ideally, you wouldn't ever have to use it; better to use your smartphone as a hotspot instead. 

Scanning for Wi-Fi and AirDrop

Often times your phones, tablets and laptops can be set to automatically scan for and connect to public Wi-Fi.  This can be turned off. When...

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