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Tuesday's Tip #78: Custom, Paid Training vs. Generic, Free Training

free training learning Jul 27, 2021

Comparing Custom, Paid Training to Generic, Free Training

At first glance, you're probably thinking - uh - free - duh? But is it that simple? Let's take a look. 

First, free training is ideal if you know exactly what you're looking to learn, for example "How to write a basic formula in Excel" or "How to send a meeting invite in Teams" or "How to create a signature in Outlook". These are each specific and generic requests. When I say generic, I mean it doesn't matter if you work in retail, banking, insurance or healthcare - you won't need a unique setup of instructions based on your job or industry. You can easily google these phrases and get hundreds of decent to good quality instructions and/or videos. 

Much of the time free training is also static and asynchronous (not live). It is already written and recorded. Free training also tends to be more basic. The more complex what you're learning, the more important it is to apply it to your unique industry, job-type or...

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Tuesday's Tip #77: What's Your Learning Style?

learning Jul 20, 2021

Do you know your Learning Style?

There are 3 main learning styles.

  1. Auditory - by listening
  2. Visual - by seeing
  3. Tactile/Kinesthetic - by doing

Most of us are a combination of these but understanding HOW you learn best can help you choose the best way to learn. Learning your make up will help you learn to choose the best way to learn and the primary focus.

The best classes take ALL these into account but as a learner, this will help you know where to focus and to ensure your primary learning style has been addressed. For example, if you are primarily a tactile/kinesthetic learner, you want to make sure there is hands on component to your learning plan.

Use these links or find other ways to assess your learning style. Here are 2 quizzes you can take that are pretty accurate and only take a few minutes and may help give you some insight into your learning style. I have no association with these so use caution in case these links have changed. You are not required to...

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Tuesday's Tip #76: Coaching versus Training

learning Jul 13, 2021

What's the Difference between Coaching and Training? Should I Hire a Coach or Sign Up for a Training?

I have been "the coach" and "the coached", "the trained" and "the trainer". Whether you are looking for training or coaching, both have learning as an outcome. What's the difference? Training (classes) provide a one-time class which can be customized and is typically for a group. Coaching is a one-on-one option that is ongoing and provides additional accountability and consistency.  

As a coach and trainer, in BOTH cases I believe in an individualized approach to learning. Whether your goal is to learn a specific program, a new skill or attain a new competency level, your industry, prior knowledge and learning style must be taken into consideration for effective learning, retention and application. 


When it comes specifically to learning technology, there is no shortage of training opportunities. Some are free, others are expensive.  A short...

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