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Tuesday's Tip #72: Password Do's and Dont's and Password Managers


If you're like me - passwords are your nemesis. I have no less than 500 passwords. I mean seriously, I have a password to view my kids grades, a password to logon to my bank account, a password to unlock my phone, a password to watch Netflix, even a password for the app that controls my oven. Just thinking about it makes my head SPIN!! It literally never ends. And probably almost daily I'm adding something else to the list. Right? Without some type of system to keep track of your passwords, whether it's password manager, an excel spreadsheet or a notebook, there is no way to keep track of all your passwords much less keep them safe, secure and up to date.  

I've put together some password do's and don'ts. I have no doubt that some of these you have heard but I think some of them might be new to you. Like all good advice, sometimes we need to hear it again. (I'm speaking to myself too - some of these I'm in violation of too).


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