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Tuesday's Tip #47: Have a Little Fun and Create a Thanksgiving Poll in Teams

forms teams Nov 24, 2020

Fun in Teams with Polls

Games and fun polls are a great way to get and keep people engaged.  Having fun doesn't have to take a lot of time. You can EASILY create a one question poll in Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Forms. One way to do this - is similar to an ice breaker. Before your weekly team meeting, send out a poll and ask people what their favorite Thanksgiving food is. It's easy and simple and then you can share the results in the beginning of your meeting this week.

Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Forms is an Office 365 app. Not everyone is aware of some of these included apps. Microsoft Forms allows you to easily create simple quizzes, polls and surveys. The newest addition for Forms, is to add a polling integration to Teams.

Create Polls in Teams

You can create quick, simple, one question polls in a chat in Teams. The chat can be in a channel of a Team or within a  standard chat window. 

Install Forms

First, you need to install Forms within Teams....

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