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Tuesday's Tip #22: Super Simple Screen Snip Shortcut

windows Jun 02, 2020

Using Snip your Screen keyboard Shortcut

Today's Tip is going to be pretty short and to the point but I am positive you will use it and love it! (did you like my alliteration :) )

Do you ever need to copy part of your screen to send to someone or create steps for someone that include screens of how to do something or maybe you are getting an error message and you need to show it to your IT department or programmer.

I use print screens or snip part of my screen almost everyday. Almost daily I providing documentation with screenshots or show a feature to someone via email. I used to just use the PrtScrn button on my keyboard (if you've never looked it's usually either up by your function keys (F1,F2 etc) or if you're on a larger desktop keyboard, it might be it's own key over by the number keypad.  This worked great at first - but if you use more than one screen, you get all the screens which can be annoying. Then you need to crop the part of the screen you want or edit it...

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