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Tuesday's Team's Tip #91: The New Whiteboard in Teams for Channels

teams Nov 16, 2021

Using the New Whiteboard in Teams

Here's a great 1 minute video that shows you all the cool things you can do with the NEW Whiteboard. 

I case you have a problem playing it - you can also use this link.


There's a brand new interface for the Whiteboard in Teams. In my video you can see how to easily add a tab within your channel for the Whiteboard.

The whiteboard is also available in chats.

Add a Whiteboard to your Channel

  1. Click in the channel, click the + across the top.

  2. In the App window, select Whiteboard.

  3. Name the Whiteboard with a unique name or use the default name of Whiteboard.

  4. Add contents like notes, images or use one of the cool new templates to structure your content.

Microsoft has a great post about some of the other highlights.

Check it out here

Some of the things I love in the New Whiteboard

  • 40+ New Templates
  • Sticky Notes
  • Insert Images
  • New Drawing T
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Tuesday's Team Tip #90: Meeting Notes

teams Nov 09, 2021

Using Teams to Take Meeting Notes

One of the awesome things about Teams is that it automatically saves you time by having everything all in one place.  Meeting Notes is another one these features that makes taking meeting notes, updating them, distributing and finding them later SO much easier.


How to Use Team's Meeting Notes 

  1. Select a meeting in your Team's calendar and click on Chat with Participants.

  2. In the Chat window, click Meeting Notes.

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Tuesday's Team's Tip #89: NEW Reply to a Specific Message in Chat

teams Nov 02, 2021

TEAMS NEW FEATURE: Reply to a Specific Text in a Chat

One thing that can be challenging about new subscription based software like Office 365 is that new features get rolled out and you don't even know it.  There are places you can look but most of us don't check it out. Sometimes these are backend things that don't make a big difference to users  - but this is kind of a cool one!

Let me set the scene.

When you're part of a chat with lots of activity, especially lots of chats all happening at the same time, sometimes it can be hard to know what people are replying to. This feature allows us to specifically reply to a message in a text.

You can click the ... after a message and choose Reply.

When you reply, it copies the message and displays it with your reply.

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Tuesday's Tip #88: Using Version History for Files in Teams

teams Oct 26, 2021

Do You Use Version History in Teams?

If you share files in teams - you need to know about version history. Version history allows you to roll back to a previous version of a document that's shared in a channel. It's turned on automatically - you just have to know it's there. And the secret? MOST users have no idea it even exists. So here's what you need to know.

What is Version History?

Version history is the automatic saved versions of the files stored within each channel.

Why is it AWESOME??

The biggest reason it's awesome is it's SO EASY and it's most likely AUTOMATIC.  By default this is already turned on and you just don't know about it. (Shameless plug for why training is important ;-) )It allows you to roll back to any prior version of a document so you can easily access and now lose work that may have been changed or deleted. This is probably one of the most asked question in my classes when we talk about collaborating. What if someone deletes or changes...

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Tuesday's Tip #87: 4 Tips for Using Teams Channels

teams Oct 13, 2021

One of the things that is unique to Teams is Channels.  Part of the Teams app is being a part of Teams. I'm learning as I work with many organizations, that so many people are not sure how many Teams to create and what channels to use.  The tricky part - there is no RIGHT answer but let me give you a couple of tips.

Let's start by looking at the definition of a channel. 

Teams are made up of channels.  Channels are built around topics. Channels are where you hold meetings, have conversations, and collaborate around files together. For example, if your team represents a department, then a channel could be a project within that department or it could be an initiative for that department.  You don't want too many channels but you also don't want too few channels.  Keep in mind you can hide channels and create private channels. 

  1. Pin Channels.
    If your are members of a lot of Teams and those teams have a lot of channels, pinning...
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Tuesday's Tip #86: Teams is SO EASY - Why do You STILL Need Training and 7 Questions to Assess your Adoption

teams Oct 05, 2021

Teams is SO EASY - Why Do I STILL Need Training?

So this week continues the conversation around Microsoft Teams adoption and what I'm seeing with so many of clients . Most of the clients that hire me to do a discovery phase + Training have been using Teams for more than a year. They all use Teams and feel pretty good about their skill sets, but say " I bet there are some things I don't know". If this sounds like you....read on.  When I ask a few key questions that help me assess their level of adoption - they say - "ahhh, I guess maybe we DO need some training."

Here are a few of the key questions? If you answer yes or are curious about these - maybe we should talk.

  1. Have you seen a significant decrease in internal emails? Like more than 50%?

  2. Are you utilizing the co-authoring features for the O365 apps like Word Excel and PowerPoint?

  3. Have you mapped your Teams channels to your Windows Explorer so you can easily find your files?

  4. Have you migrated files from you...
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Tuesday's Tip #85: Using Teams vs. Adopting Teams

teams Sep 21, 2021

Using Teams vs. Adopting Teams

Do you consider yourself a USER of Teams or have you fully ADOPTED it?

I have been working with SO MANY organizations that are using Teams but want to fully ADOPT teams. The difference is - have you changed the way you work? Have you transitioned your communication from email to chats and posts?  Most of the companies I'm working with them have had Teams setup and installed for more than a year but they are really only USING the most basic features. They have yet to fully implement and integrate it.  The missing link is TRAINING.

Using Teams

If you are only using Teams - you probably use the following features.

  • Use Teams for meetings
  • Send occasional Teams meeting invites
  • Send occasional chats

Adopting Teams

If you've fully adopted Teams, you probably do most of the following:

  • Utilize Teams for most internal meetings and externally hosted meetings 
  • Utilize Teams for 90% of internal communication (chats and posts)
  • Have reduced...
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Tuesday's Tip #83: Sync Teams Files to File Explorer

teams Sep 07, 2021

Finding Teams Files Anywhere

As you fully integrate Teams and move and store more of your files in Teams, it's important to be able to find those files easily. This is a really simple process but for most users, is a huge time saver as well as a way to more fully integrate Teams. 

One of the best ways to find files stored in Teams is to use the SYNC feature in the channel of a team. This features let's you perform a one-time sync which allows you to always have access to the files you share in Teams from File Explorer. When you have your Team's channels synced to File Explorer, it's easier to save files when you're in an O365 app like Word or Excel.

You only need to sync one time and it will remain synchronized in File Explorer indefinitely.

  1. Go to the Files tab inside the channel of the Team you want to sync.

  2. Once the files are synchronized (depending on how many files there are, it may take a few minutes). You will see the file show up in your File Explorer....
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Tuesday's Tip #82: Best Practices for Training in Teams

teams Aug 24, 2021

Training in Teams

If you use the Teams app to deliver training, there are a few great features and best practices that are really helpful. 

Best Practices

  1. Use the Attendance List.
    This allows you to keep track of who attended. It's a virtual "sign in list". This is especially helpful if the training is required or linked to objectives or goals.

  2. Use 2 Screens.
    Having one screen to share and present and another screen to view the meeting is optimal. It lets you keep track of questions or activity in the meeting chat as well as if someone raises their hand.

    Share the Screen with the Camera.

    This might seem obvious or simple. But if you have multiple screens, be sure to have your "shared" screen be the one that has your camera on it. It's much easier as an attendee to watch the shared screen and the video of the presenter looking at you rather than the other screen.

  3. Change the Meeting Setting to Everyone for the Lobby.
    Once your training session starts, you don't want to be...
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Tuesday's Tip #81: Sharing Files Externally in Teams and OneDrive

onedrive teams Aug 17, 2021

Sharing Files in Teams and OneDrive

One of the most frequent ways I get engaged as a Collaboration Consultant is to help people better understand file sharing and how it works both internally and externally within Teams and OneDrive.

Sharing files internally in Teams is pretty easy. You click the paperclip icon in a chat, in a channel or in a meeting.

Sharing files externally can be a little more confusing.  If you have external access to people in Teams - you can sometimes use the above methods of chat, channels and meetings. However, sometimes your correspondence with external users isn't in Teams. Sometimes you want to share files with users externally but it doesn't make sense to use Teams.

Sharing files using OneDrive is SUPER easy and straight forward.

This is one of the tips I'd encourage you to watch the video. It's easier to understand and I'm able to explain it in more detail than typing it all out.

Sharing a file (files) with external users via OneDrive

  1. From...
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