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Tuesday Tip 38: Save Time by Customizing Teams Notifications

teams Sep 22, 2020

Too Many Teams Notifications?

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

As you and your colleagues use Teams more and more, you will start to get lots of notifications. Whether it's a really active inter-company chat or someone sending funny emoji's - once users are actively using Teams - what was first helpful to remember to check Teams can become annoying and frustrating as the dings distract you. 

Initially the notifications whether it be a banner or an email was helpful to remember to check on chats or channels in Teams and find out if you've missed anything. However, as time goes on, checking activity in Teams becomes automatic. When you get to this place, it isn't as important to get as many notifications. On the contrary, the notifications become redundant.  

Also - since everyone uses Microsoft Teams differently and some users are in different time zones, different countries or may not be online as often, you can also setup a notification for when they are available. This can also save LOTS of time so you can be alerted without constantly remembering to check.

Customizing Teams Notifications

Customizing your Teams notifications can save you time. Especially if you can eliminate extra emails and not have to delete them later. There are more than a dozen notifications you can turn on or off. Take 2 minutes to check them out and customize them to your liking.

Steps for Customizing Teams Notifications

  1. In Teams click on your name/picture in the upper right hand corner and click Settings.

  2. In the settings dialog box, select Notifications.

  3. Scroll through the different notifications and customize accordingly. Hone in on the ones that you seem to be getting the most often and those changes will give you the biggest bang for your buck. Also, if you are an avid Teams user, you can probably eliminate most of the "by email" notifications.

Get Notified if a User Logs In or Logs Out

For Teams users that you work with that have off hours or maybe are in different time zones etc, it can be very helpful to setup notifications for when they are online so you can collaborate real-time.


    1. In Teams click on your name/picture in the upper right hand corner and click Settings.

    2. In the settings dialog box, select Notifications and scroll down to Manage Notifications.

    3. In the dialog box, search for the person you want to turn notifications on for.

    4. The notification will come in the lower right hand corner and look something like this.




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